Cafe 94 Ride Maps Are Here!

Cafe 94 Lunch Ride
Saturday, February 12, 2022

It’s February and a perfect time of year for a ride down the coast and along our southern border. Our ride will start at Camino Real Payhouse in San Juan Capistrano. We will be meeting up with our fellow chapter Coronado Beach H.D. and then heading east to the Otay Lakes area. After lunch at Cafe 94 we will head back north and east towards home.

** Note: Due to limited internet connectivity the card readers sometimes have issues. Please bring cash for lunch.

Departure Location: Camino Real Playhouse, San Juan Capistrano.
Departure Time: Arrive at 7:30 a.m. for an 8:00 a.m. departure
Route Characteristics: ♦♦♦ Diamonds at approx. 260 miles

Below will find: PDF Ride Route Overview, Ride Map Files and a Google Earth Overview…all for your downloading pleasure!