
CHP Guidelines For Lane Splitting

LaneSplittingAt the February 21, 2013 chapter meeting, our safety officer, Roger Allen, gave a quick overview of lane splitting and the safety issues surrounding it. As Roger said, it is best to say that lane splitting is allowed in California, as it isn’t explicit forbidden in the law.

The CHP has given its guidelines and Roger mentioned this in his talk. Here is the link so you can read the full article.

The video below is the KCRA broadcast on the issue after the CHP posted their guidelines.

Info On When Day Rides Officially End

Here is a message from our director regarding when the ride officially ends as we are riding back towards Orange County.

Hello All –

I know it’s been over a year since we implemented this policy so I want to remind all officers and road captains of the official “end of the ride” for both day and overnight rides. Days rides officially end when the group hits the Orange County line. Please do not split from the group until we’ve entered Orange County. Overnight rides officially end at the final gas/good-bye stop.

Thank you-

Thanks for helping to make our rides as safe, organized and fun as possible!