Here are the maps (PDF and Garmin) for the CHOC Toy Pickup Ride this Friday. Meet at the Watson’s Drug Store in Orange for a 7:40am departure. It is at 116 East Chapman Avenue, Orange, CA 92866.
Monthly Archives: December 2012
2013 Chapter Membership Renewal Time
It’s time to renew your Chapter membership for 2013, or sign up to be a member if you haven’t done so yet. Membership dues are $24.00 and the 2013 membership form can be downloaded from our Join OCHOG page. Membership forms will also be available at the January Chapter meeting. The renewal deadline is January 31st, 2013. If your renewal has not been received by that date, your membership will revert to an inactive status and you will not receive Chapter communications.
In order to renew your Orange Coast Chapter membership, you must hold an “active” National H.O.G. membership. Have you ever wondered why you have to be a National H.O.G. member before you can join a local chapter? All local chapters are chartered through National H.O.G. membership, and in return, the Harley Owner’s Group, supports local chapters through officer training programs, publications, handbooks, the provision of general liability insurance, and a variety of other resources and supplies helpful in successfully running a chapter. If you need to renew your National H.O.G. membership or enroll someone else, contact National H.O.G. by calling 1.800.CLUB.HOG or visit
Please remember to completely fill out the 2013 membership form, including your H.O.G. membership number and expiration date, make sure your email address is current and legible, and make sure you sign the form. Mail your form and check to me (my address is printed on the bottom of the form) or bring them to the January meeting.
If you have any questions regarding the membership process, please contact me by sending me a message (Secretary) or see me at the Chapter meeting.
Thank you,
Jacqui Fairchild
Secretary, OCHOG