Cooks Wanted For Sept 29 Chili Cookoff!
September 29th following the New Member Ride and Chapter Photo at Orange County Harley Davidson
Share your favorite chili recipe and support our chapter!
Each bowl sells for $3.00.
Bowls, spoons and napkins will be provided.
Make a crock pot of your special chili recipe.
Best Chili wins $25
Contact Susan Hansberry at Ladies of Harley ASAP to sign up.
Ice Cream Social Confirmed!
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!! The Ice Cream Social has been confirmed. Yay:) It will be July 28 following the New Member ride until 3pm. Make plans to be on the ride, then come back to the dealer for a BBQ lunch and ice cream. Hosted by the Ladies of Harley. Do you have strong hands and a big chest?? If so we need your help. Ice chests are needed to store the ice cream during the event and helpers are needed from 1 to 3 pm to scoop ice cream. If you can help please contact Ladies of Harley via the Contact Page.
– Susan