The 2018 Harley-Davidson Announcement LIVE is available on You Tube
2015 7TH Annual Dr. Joe Cortese Poker Run and Car Show Maps
This year the Annual Dr. Joe Cortese Memorial Drive-In Bike Show & Poker Run celebrates their 7TH year. This is a Orange County Harley Davidson Dealer event, please participate if you can. Check-in from 8 am to 10 am at OCHD. This poker run will end at the San Juan Capistrano Car Show at the SJC Sports Park, 25925 Camino Del Avion, SJC. Register online at, click on POKER RUN-REGISTER.
20th Annual Toy Drive And Ride For CHOC Children’s Hospital
Coming up soon is the 20th annual ride to CHOC Hospital. The registration is at the Orange County Harley-Davidson dealership at 8am on Sunday, December 21. The ride begins at 9am. Show up early. We are expecting over 1,000 riders, spectators, and volunteers! You can see more info in the flyer. Email it to friends that ride or print it off and pass it around. The flyer also has info if you want to become a sponsor and what the various levels of donations give you.
If you want to take a look at last year’s event, head over to this gallery.
Dealer Demo Days Pictures are Posted
Images from the October 13 & 14, 2012 Dealer Demo Days have been posted. Thanks to Orange County Harley Davidson for hosting this event!