Here is the 2015 Holiday sign up sheet. Please fill this out along with a check for $30 per person. The real cost is $10 per person. The $30 is a deposit and your check will be returned to you when you show up at the event, which starts at 5pm on Saturday, December 5. See the PDF file for more info. You’ll need Adobe Reader to print this off. You can bring your form to the chapter meeting and give to Rob Justus, or mail to the address on the form.
Update – Tonight’s Full Moon Dinner!
Although the ride portion of the our Full Moon Dinner Ride has cancelled, please feel free to jump into your four-wheeled cage and join us for dinner at our scheduled Full Moon Dinner Ride located at The Blue Water Grill, 2409 Park Ave., Tustin 92782, 714-258-3474, we should all be arriving around 7:00 PM – hope to see you there!