The return of the annual CHOC Toy Run this year was fantastic. There were over 225 bikes and more toys than our dealer’s truck could carry in one trip!
Here are a few pics from the event. Click on any image to zoom in.

This is JoJo, and she is a serious trooper. She was there to greet us as we arrived on our bikes, complete with her IV in tow. One of our riders let her sit on his bike and even rev the engine! She and her mother really had a good time.
These next two images show just a sample of the crowd that showed up.

These are various images inside the hospital. It is arranged by levels like the levels of our ecosystem. The lowest level has a bunch of fossils in the decorations, then it moves up through the ocean, the beach, bugs in the ground, reptiles on the land, birds in the sky, and ultimately outer space.

This TV screen is actually controlled from someone at Disney Land. Several times a week, kids gather here and interact with the fish, mostly from the Finding Nemo movie. There are hidden cameras and microphones so the people at Disney can see and hear the kids and work them into the story being told.

We were there on a Sunday and even then, there was one child on the surgical monitor shown here that was in pre-op. Here the family knows what is going on every step of the way instead of it like a normal hospital where someone goes into pre-op and you generally hear nothing until they are in recovery. CHOC keeps the family updated on the various stages. The equipment here is second to none. These kids deserve the best, and they are getting the best the medical community has to offer.

The rest of the pics show what was going on earlier in the mornign at Orange County Harley-Davidson as we prepared to ride out.

Below is a gallery of a ton more images from the ride. If you weren’t there, be sure to check back on this site as we will do it again in 2014!