Monthly Archives: June 2024

Cardiff Tower 13 Ride Maps

Cardiff Tower 13

Destination: Cardiff Tower 13
Date: Saturday, June 22, 2024
Departs from: Camino Real Playhouse
KSU: 8:00am (arrive by 7:30am)
Distance: 202 Miles
♦♦♦ Diamond Ride

Enjoy a ride through Fallbrook and De Luz before trekking down Pechanga on our way to Del Mar. Once we hit the coast, we will travel north to Tower 13 that is always a favorite. Great food and service that really appreciates us. This is a fun route created last year.

Adobe Reader is required to see and print the ride maps.

Tour Of California (overnighter)

Death Valley

Destination: Tour of California 2024 (Overnighter)
Date: Fri-Mon, June 7-10, 2024
Departs from: Anaheim Hills Starbucks
KSU: 7:00am Please arrive by 6:30am, all packed up and with a full tank!
Distance: 1,400+ Miles
♦♦♦ Diamond Ride

Here we go again on another OC HOG overnighter. On the agenda for this trip is beautiful roads, ocean views, some huge trees to make everyone humble and getting lost. That is what I love about a planned out Harley road trip. Getting lost when you know exactly where you are, and where you’re going. Of course, at the end of each day, we will share poolside shenanigans. And, we may find a twisty road or two and maybe ride over a famous bridge.

Download: PDF Overview

Day One Maps
Infotainment Map
Garmin Map
Google Map
Day Two Maps
Infotainment Map
Garmin Map
Google Map
Day Three Maps
Infotainment Map
Garmin Map
Google Map
Day Four Maps
Infotainment Map
Garmin Map
Google Map

Adobe Reader is required to see and print the ride maps.