It’s a magical time of the year and we wish all of you here at OCHOG the Merriest of Holidays! To those with families visiting, we urge you to greet them loudly and hug them tight! To those off to see old friends, have a blast but pace yourself because no one wants to become the ‘Ghost of Christmas passed out’! Ride safe and see you all in 2017 for many many more great rides together!
Monthly Archives: December 2016
REMINDER: The 22nd Annual Toy Drive & Ride for CHOC Children’s Event & Registration Information
If you have not signed up yet…one of the finest and most fun charities the OC HOG does is coming up next weekend! Attached is the 22nd Annual Toy Drive and Ride for CHOC Children’s information flyer, click on it to enlarge. Ready to register? Just click on the register here link in the flyer or click the button below labeled “Click Here to Register”. The toy ride to CHOC hospital will be on December 18, 2016.