Monthly Archives: February 2013
CHP Guidelines For Lane Splitting
At the February 21, 2013 chapter meeting, our safety officer, Roger Allen, gave a quick overview of lane splitting and the safety issues surrounding it. As Roger said, it is best to say that lane splitting is allowed in California, as it isn’t explicit forbidden in the law.
The CHP has given its guidelines and Roger mentioned this in his talk. Here is the link so you can read the full article.
The video below is the KCRA broadcast on the issue after the CHP posted their guidelines.
Keep Up To Date On Site Changes

There is a lot going on at Orange Coast HOG. We are blessed to live in an area that allows riding year round with fantastic scenery. The desert, ocean and mountains are all literally minutes from each other. Just like we have a wonderful variety of locations to go on rides, we have a variety of ways for you to keep up with what the group is doing.
- Email notifications – just put your email address in the “Get Site Updates By Email” box on the front page.
- RSS Feeds – Just click on the Google or Yahoo link if you use their RSS reader services. That too is on the home page near the bottom.
- Twitter – We’ve had our OCHOGRideAlerts twitter account for over a year, and that is absolutely the best way to keep up with last minute ride changes. But did you know we also have a Twitter feed that just updates you when there are new posts for ride maps, pictures, and more? Just click on the “Follow OCHOG” button either on the home page, or use the button below. For more info on follwing the Ride Alerts feed, see this page.
- Facebook – Like our Orange Coast HOG Facebook page All site updates, and more, are posted there for you to see in your Facebook feed.
- This Website – Do it old school by just checking the front page of the site regularly. You might be a day or two late, but you won’t miss anything. The 7 most recent posts are listed on the front page, and the rest are a search away using the search box.
New Member Ride Maps Available
We’ve posted the PDF and Garmin maps for the new member ride. They can be found near the top of the Event Calendar< page. It is always a good idea to keep a paper copy of the ride map with you in case you get held up at a red light or separated from the group for some reason.
Mentone Lunch Ride Pics Have Been Posted
Note that a lot more pics from the Feb 2 ride to Barona have also been added to that gallery.